Algae Control Australia
  • Our one purpose: ultrasonic solutions for algae and biofilm control

     Algae Control Australia's ultrasonic solutions help control algae and biofilm in order to restore water 

    ecosystems to their natural states, thanks to Algae Control Australia. We have replaced chemicals with

     proven, scientifically-based, sustainable technology, backed by personalized and highly experienced

     customer support.

    Learn More About the Ultrasound Solution

We believe everyone deserves access to clean water

From threats to health and safety, to destruction of our environment, and to regulatory and economic challenges, the negative impacts resulting from uncontrolled algae and biofilm are becoming more extreme. Through a rigorous approach to science, technology and customer understanding, WaterIQ Technologies delivers cost-effective, sustainable solutions that effectively address these threats and return water to its natural state.

We’re obsessed with controlling algae and biofilm. Our team has collective experience installing and supporting more than 3,000 systems worldwide.

We’re experts in ultrasonic technology, applying what we’ve learned to advance the use of ultrasound and monitoring technology to make it easy and affordable.

We’re customerfocused. We know how difficult algae and biofilm is to control, so we bring thoughtful, resourceful understanding to each customer’s situation.

We’re committed. Algae Control Australia firmly believes that we can restore our waters, but we need to act now. Everyone everywhere deserves clean water.

Proven technology made simple and backed 24/7

 Algae Control Australia solutions push the envelope in the ultrasonic treatment of algae and biofilm, yet are straightforward to install and operate, requiring little to no custom configuration. We understand that no two customers are exactly alike and the field is rapidly changing. We’re here to help wherever you are, providing guidance and technical support to ensure successful implementation of your system.

Experienced engineers, entrepreneurs and front-line support

 Algae Control Australia is a newly formed company division, stemming from Amacron Golf & Turf who have focused on the golf course industry since 2002 , however both are committed to continued ultrasonic innovation with Water IQ Technologies - USA, in the treatment and eradication of algae and biofilm in close collaboration with some of the world’s smartest and most accomplished researchers in the field. We’re passionate about our purpose and partnering with our customers to remove algae and biofilm and help restore the world’s water.

Join Algae Control Australia and Help Restore Water for Everyone

It must be clear by now: our mission is to partner with our customers to remove harmful algae and biofilm from our world’s water supplies and restore water ecosystems to their natural state. Is this your mission, too? Come work with us at  Algae Control Australia. We are an up-and-coming technology leader in our space and are always looking for like-minded experts in ultrasonic technology, product engineering, customer solutions, and more. Please contact us to learn more about  Algae Control Australia and where your career experience and interests align with our current needs, we thrive on any ideas or suggestions.

Bring your algae and biofilm questions to Algae Control Australia

Now that you know more about us, we’re ready to learn more about you. Bring us your questions or water test data and we will 

be more than happy to suggest from proven results our chances of success in your particular application.

Do you grapple with how to solve your algae or biofilm problems?  (We also welcome journalists eager to learn more about our industry.) Use our contact form below.

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